Peninsula Bible Church of Palo Alto

Addenda to Discovery Publishing Catalog

An Asterisks (*) indicates a message is available on cassette type. Two tapes per cassette. Use printable Order Form to place orders.

Legend: Catalog----DP Number----Message Title----Author----Scripture

DP Message Addendum for 1993-1994


Jonah Ambassador for Christ (4 msgs) Doug Goins

* 4342 Jonah: Rejecting God's Call 1:1-16

* 4343 Jonah: Experiencing God's Salvation 1:17-2:10

* 4344 Jonah: Delivering God's Message 3:1-10

* 4345 Jonah: Developing a Concern Like God's 4:1-11

Romans (see also 4289-4295; 22 msgs continued) Steve Zeisler

* 4346 Living by the Spirit 8:1-17

* 4347 Eager Anticipation 8:18-25

* 4348 God is For Us 8:26-29

* 4349 Fatal False Assumptions 9:1-13

* 4350 Out of Our League 9:14-33

* 4351 Full of Zeal: Hard of Hearing 11:1-32

* 4352 Roots 11:33-12:2

* 4353 Responding to Riches 11:33-12:2

* 4354 Love Lessons 12:3-21

* 4355 Who Governs Governments? 13:1-7

* 4356 Honorable Indebtedness 13:8-14

* 4357 Dealing with Diversity 14:1-8

* 4358 Lives Built by Christ 14:19-15:13

* 4359 Have Truth, Will Travel 15:14-33

* 4360 Signing the Back of the Yearbook 16:1-27

Easter Preparation: He's Alive! (7 msgs) Ron R. Ritchie

*4361 Looking for Life in All the Wrong Places John 11:17-44

* 4362 Life Is Found Only in Jesus, the Prince of Peace Matthew 21:1-17

*4363 Life Cannot Be Found in a Cemetery Matthew 28:1-10

* 4364 Life Forever Present Matthew 28:16-20

*4365 Life Dissolves Prejudice Acts 10

* 4366 Life Dispels Fear Acts 18:1-11

*4366S Life Who Is, Was and Is to Come Revelation 1:4-20

I and II Kings: Elijah (6 msgs) Ron R. Ritchie

*4367 Love the Lord Your God with All Your Heart I Kings 16:29-17:24

* 4368 You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me I Kings 18:1-19

* 4369 Choose This Day Whom You Will Serve I Kings 18:20-46

* 4370 0 Lord, Take My Life I Kings 19:1-21

* 4371 Do Not Covet Anything That Belongs to Your Neighbor I Kings 21:1-29

* 4372 How Would You Spend Your Last Day On Earth? 2 Kings 2:1-18

II Kings: Elisha: Prophet of Compassion (6 msgs) Ron R. Ritchie

* 4373 Compassion for the Widows 4:1-7

* 4374 Compassion for the Childless 4:8-23

* 4375 Compassion for the Apparently Incurable 5:1-19

* 4376 Confronting the Greedy 5:20-28

*4377 Compassion for the Blind 6:1-23

* 4378 Compassion for the Hungry 6:24-7:20

Psalms: Tough Faith (4 megs) Doug Goins

* 4379 Faith and Persistence 129

* 4380 Faith and Repentance 130

* 4381 Faith and Humility 131

* 4382 Faith and Significance 132

Christmas Preparation: The Messianic Prophecies (6 msgs) Ron R. Ritchie

* 4383 Jesus: Born of a Virgin Isaiah 7:10-14

* 4384 Jesus: Born to Rule Isaiah 9:6-7

* 4385 Jesus: Born of Mary to Save Psalm 35:9

* 4386 Jesus: Born in Humility Micah 5:2-3

* 4387 Jesus: Born to be Worshiped Psalm 72:1-11

* 4388 Jesus: Born to Serve Isaiah 61:1-2

Hosea: Unbroken Love (14 msgs) Doug Goins

* 4389 God's Grace as Confrontation 1:1-2:1

* 4390 The Sin of Syncretism 2:2-13

* 4391 Songs of Hope in Valleys of Despair 2:14-23

* 4392 Redeeming Love 3:1-5

* 4393 How Can I Really Know God? 4:1-10

* 4394 Are You Proud of Your Stubborn Streak? 4:11-19

* 4395 Does God Play Favorites? 5:1-15

* 4396 Is Our Repentance for Real? 6:1-1

* 4397 Pictures of God's Disappointment 6:1-7:16

* 4398 The Forgotten Father 8:1-14

* 4399 The Judgments of God 9:10-15

* 4400 God's Tough Love at Work 11:1-12:14

* 4401 The Rejected Help of God 13:1-16

* 4402 How to Return to the Lord 14:1-9

Matthew (12 msgs) Steve Zeisler

* 4403 Real Riches 5:1-6

* 4404 God Centered 25:31-40

* 4405 Making the Right Enemies 5:10-19

* 4406 The Fulfilling of the Law 5:17-26

* 4407 The Heart of the Matter 5:27-30

* 4408 The Divorce Dilemma 5:31-32

* 4409 How to Be Taken Seriously 5:33-42

* 4410 Your Father Will Reward You 5:43-48

* 4411 Honored by Men, or By God? 6:1-14,16-18

* 4412 A Pattern for Prayer 6:5-15

* 4413 Don't Worry, Be Faithful 6:19-34

* 4414 Don't Leap to Judge... Look to Heal 7:1 -6 (D. Followwill)

* 4415 Accept No Substitutes 7:13-23

* 4416 Built on the Rock 7:24-29

Genesis: Joseph: Man of Faith (7 msgs) Ron R. Ritchie

* 4417 The Potter and the Clay 37:1-3

* 4418 The Lord is With Us 39:1-23

* 4419 Steps Toward Spiritual Maturity 40-41

* 4420 God Is Not Mocked 42:1-3

* 4421 Life In the Son 45:1-46:7

* 4422 The Blessing 48:1-22

* 4423 How God Turns Evil Into Good 50:1-26

Psalms: Songs of the Saviour (5 msgs) Doug Goins

* 4424 A Song of Deliverance 40

* 4425 A Song of the Teacher 78:1-8

* 4426 A Song of the Shepherd 100

* 4427 A Song of the Passover 118

* 4428 A Song of Messiah's Passion 22:1-21

John: That You May Believe (see 848-967; 44 msgs cont.) Gary Vanderet

* 868 A Question of Blindness 9:1-41

* 869 The Good Shepherd 10:1-21

* 870 Safe in the Hands of God 10:22-42

* 871 The Delays of Love 11:1-16

* 872 How to Conquer Death 11:17-46

* 873 Love's Extravagance 11:47-12:11

* 874 A Not So Triumphal Entry 12:12-36

* 875 Miracle of Unbelief 12:37-50

* 876 Meekness and Majesty: Reflections on John 1-12

* 877 Bearing Burdens and Washing Feet 13:1-17

* 878 When Your World Turns Against You 13:18-3

* 879 In My Father's House 13:31-14:14

* 880 Help from On High 14:15-31

* 936 The Secret of Remaining 15:1-11

* 937 Love and Hate 15:12-16:4

* 938 Why Jesus Went Away 16:1-15

* 939 The Peace of the Rock 16:16-33

* 940 The Real Lord's Prayer 17:1-19

* 941 When Jesus Prayed for You 17:20-26

* 942 My Failures Are Not Fatal 18:1-27

* 943 Beneath the Cross of Jesus 19:17-42

* 944 The Not Quite Empty Tomb 20:1-18

* 945 So Send I You 20:19-31

* 946 Do You Love Me? 21:1-25

Ephesians: The Restoration of Mankind (see 894-907; 21 msgs cont.) Brian Morgan

* 908 Conquering the Wild Beast of Immorality 5:3-15

* 909 Bringing Heaven to Earth 5:15-21

* 910 Marriage: Love's Holy Stage 5:22-23

* 911 Nurturing Fathers 6:1-4

* 912 Work: Are You a Slave or Free 6:5-9

* 913 The Call to Arms 6:10-13

* 914 The Call to Battle 6:14-20

Luke: Parables of the Kingdom (11 messages) John Hanneman

* 925 Who Is My Neighbor? 10:25-37

* 926 Lord, Teach Us to Pray 11:1-13

* 927 Can Wealth Secure Your Future? 12:13-21

* 928 Learning to Be Watchful 12:35-48

* 929 Are You Lost? 15:1-32

* 930 The Sweet Taste of Forgiveness 7:36-50

* 931 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner 14:1-24

* 932 Crisis Management 16:1-8

* 933 Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit 18:9-14

* 934 The Cost of Discipleship 18:18-30

* 935 Investing in the Return 19:11-27

I Samuel: King David in the Wilderness (25 messages) Brian Morgan

* 949 Come and See the Beauty of the King 16:1-13

* 950 David Plays in Saul's Court 16:14-23

* 951 David and Goliath: Choosing a Man 17:1-54

* 952 David and Jonathan: The Beloved Gift of God 17:55-18:5

* 953 Love or Dread 18:1-30

* 954 The Great Escapes 19

* 955 The Safest Sanctuary 19:18-24

* 956 The Revelation of Death and the Love of Life 20:1-17

* 957 From Youth to Manhood 20:24-42

* 958 A Sword and Five Loaves 21:1-9

* 959 Real Drama in Gath 21:9-22:1

* 960 Adullam: Going Underground 22:1-5

* 961 Death of the Innocents 22:6-23

* 962 Whose Hand Will Prevail? 23:1-24:1

* 963 The Secret, Decisive Hand 23:14-24:1

* 964 Emerging from the Darkness 24:1-22

* 965 Caught Between Two Angry Men 25:1-44

* 966 Joy In the Presence of A Fool 25:32-44

* 967 Into the Enemy Camp 26:1-13

* 967S Echoes of Accusation and Innocence 26:14-26

* 987 Selling Out Under Stress 27

* 988 The Dead End of Denial 28:1-25

* 989 Time to Come Home 29

* 990 Ziklag: Restoring Home 30:1-31

* 991 The King Is Dead 31:1-13

Galatians: In Search of Freedom (l3 msgs) John Hanneman

* 968 What Is Freedom? 1:1-5

* 969 Why Is Freedom So Hard? 1:6-10

* 970 The Apostle of Freedom 1:11-24

* 971 Threats to Freedom 2:1-10

* 972 Threat to Freedom II 2:11-21

* 973 Evaluating Our Freedom 3:1-15

* 974 The Key to Freedom 3:25-4:3

* 975 The Beginnings of Freedom 3:6-14

* 976 How Law Leads to Freedom 3:15-24

* 977 The Results of Freedom 3:24-29

* 978 The Danger of Losing Our Freedom 4:1-11

* 979 Passion for Freedom 4:12-20

* 980 The Mystery of Freedom 4:21-30

Genesis: How It All Began (6 msgs) Gary Vanderet

* 992 The God of Creation 1:1-25

* 993 The Glory of Man 2:4-17

* 994 The Glory of Woman 2:18-25

* 995 The Enticement of Evil 3:1-6

* 996 Paradise Lost 3:8-24

* 997 The Way of Cain 4:1-26

Single Messages Available on Tape or in Printed Form

Brian Morgan

* 915 A Cave: God's Holy Stage Micah 5:2

* 916 He Leadeth Me: A Study of the Hebrew word *Nahah*

* 917 The Faith of Christ Psalm 22:1-21

* 918 For the Joy Set Before Him Psalm 22:22-31

Gary Vanderet

* 947 The Song of the Shepherd Psalm 23

* 948 God Can Be Trusted Psalm 62

Pat Harrison

* 7105 Living Assets Psalm 127

* 7108 Help! I Need Somebody Psalm 121

Eff Martin

* 7106 The Atlas Syndrome Matt. 11:1-30

Dorman Followwill

* 7111 Fruit That's Never Out of Season Gal. 5:22-23

* 7120 My Shepherd Is Enough Psalm 23

David Eckman

* 7113 God's Word to Those Who Are Guilty as Sin Zech. 3:1-10

Dave Horn

* 7115 The Two Faces of Forgiveness Gen. 50:15-21

David Bruce

* 7121 For Love of the Father Luke 15:11-32

Mark Mitchell

* 7122 The Parable of the Wheat and the Weeds Matt. 13:24, 36-43

Single Messages Available only on Tape

Doug Goins

* 7107 A Strong Faith May Not Be Enough Jeremiah l9:14-20:18

Don Broesamle

* 7109 Mentors and Models Acts 20:17-38

Gary Vanderet

* 7110 Released from Shame John 7:53-8:11

* 7123 The King In a Manger (Christmas msg) Luke 2:1-20

Ted Wise

* 7112 The Parable of the Sower Mark 4:1-34

Dorman Followwill

* 7114 Seven Words on the Cross (Good Friday Message)

Elaine Stedman

* 7116 The Tale of Three Birds Psalm 84

Tim Kimmel

* 7117 Grace Based Marriage (various)

John Perkins

* 7118 Let Justice Roll Down (various)

Wm. Lawrence

* 7119 Stormology 101 Mark 4:35-41

Earl Radmacher

* 7124 Reward, A Seriously Neglected Doctrine 2 Tim. 2:11-13

Brian Morgan, John Hanneman, Gary Vanderet

* 7125 Reflections of Ten Years - Anniversary of PBCC (PBC Cupertino)

Ron R. Ritchie

* 4341 What's the Name of Your Doctor? Easter msg


JESUS, SAVIOR OF THE LOST: LUKE (see also 4116-4158, 69 messages continued) Ron Ritchie

* 4257 ...Freed From Bondage Of Satan 13:10-21

* 4258 When Heaven's Door Is Shut... 13:22-35

*4259 ... About Hospitality 14:1-24

* 4260 ... the Cost Of Becoming A Disciple 14:25

* 4261 What Is Your Attitude Towards Repentant Sinners? 15:1-32

* 4262 Investing God's Money 16:1-18

* 4263 ...the Real Story of the Rich Man 16:19-31

* 4264 Discipleship: A High Calling 17:1-19

* 4265 The Kingdom of God 17:20-37

* 4266 Why Pray when You Can Faint? 18:1-14

* 4267 Can We Receive Eternal Life? 18:15-34

* 4268 The Faith To Begin A New Life 18:35-19:10

* 4289 How Involved are you In the Business of the Gospel of Christ? 19:11-27

* 4270 That First Palm Sunday 19:28-44

* 4271 The Need for Cleansing 1 9:4-20:26

* 4272 Do You Believe In The Resurrection From The Dead? 20:27-47

* 4273 ... the Sign of the End of the Age? 21:1-19

* 4274 ...The Second Coming Of Jesus? 21:20-36

* 4275 The Final Passover... 22:1-38

* 4276 Pray That You May Not Enter Into Temptation! 22:3946

* 4277 Have You Ever Been Tempted to Deny You are a Disciple of Jesus? 22:47-62

* 4278 ...The Trial Of Jesus 22:83-23:25

* 4279 Why Did Jesus Die on a Cross? 23:2649

* 4280 The Resurrection Of Jesus? 23:50-24:12

* 4281 Hope on the Road of Despair 24:13-35

* 4282 Have You Ever Doubted Jesus Arose From The Dead? 24:3643

* 4283 The Breakfast of Cleansing John 21:1-19

* 4264 What Is Our Commission and Message to the World? 24:44-9

Isaiah 4 messages Doug Goins

*4285 A Shepherd For Turbulent Times 40:1-31

* 4286 A Servant For Turbulent Times 42:1-13

*4287 A Savior for Turbulent Times 49:1-13

* 4288 A Teacher For Turbulent Times 50:4-11

ROMANS - 7 messages Steve Zeisler

* 4289 Great Good News 1:1-17

*4290 Cycle of Self-Destruction 1:18-32

* 4291 Glorify God In Your Body 1:24-27

* 4292 High-Minded Hypocrisy 2:1-16

* 4293 Full Mind, Empty Heart 2:17-3:8

*4294 That Saved a Wretch Like Me 3:9-31

*4295 God Keeps His Promises 3:31-4:25

EPHESIANS - Single Message Ray Stedman

*4308 The Power You Already Have 1:15-23

JEREMIAH - 3 Messages Doug Goins

* 4310 A Right Worship Experience May Not Be Enough 7:1-15

* 4311 A Great Prayer Life 15:1-21

*4312 A strong Faith 19:14, 20:18

ISAIAH - Single message Eff Martin

*43135 Prince Of Peace, where Are You? 9:1-7

JUDGES---9 messages continued (see also 4301-4307) Steve Zeisler

*4313 Our Misery, His Mercy 10:1-11:11

* 4314 Failed Families, Faith In God 10:17-12:15

*4315 The Holow Hero 13:1-14:20

* 4316 An Angry Giant 15:1-20

*4317 Desire, Deception, And Revenge 16:1-31

* 4318 Religion for Rent 17:1-18:31

*4319 All Hell Breaks Loose 19:1-21:25

*4320 The Greatness Of Gratitude Ruth 1:1-2:23

* 4321 Your God Is Too Small Ruth 3:14:22


1 PETER - 5 Messages Doug Goins

* 4322 Salvation And Suffering 1:6-12

*4323 Submission and Suffering 2:1-25

* 4324 Survival And Suffering 3:8-18

* 4325 Significance and Suffering 4:12-19

*4326 Satan And Suffering 5: 6-11


COLOSSIANS - 8 messages Steve Zeisler

*4327 Good News 1:1-8

* 4328 Life's Essentials 1:9-14

*4329 How Great Thou Art 1:15-23

* 4330 The Great Secret 1 :2-2:5

* 4331 Freedom Versus Falsehood 2:~23

*4332 My Heart, Christ's Home 3:1-17

* 4333 Master of the Home 3:184:1

*4334 The Life Bearers 4:2-18


2 CORlNTHIANS - 5 messages Ron Ritchie

* 4335 Christ-Like Living... 2:12-17

* 4336 Becoming Christ-Confident... 3:1-11

*4337 BecomIng Transparent In a Veiled Community 3:12-18

* 4338 Carrying the Light of Truth to Darkened Minds 4:1-12

*4339 Remalnlng Enoouraged In a Discouraging Environment 4:13-5:10

* 4340 Hope to Hopeless Humanity 5:11-6:2

JUDGES - 16 messages John Hanneman

* 735 The Land Of Milk And Honey 2:6-10

* 736 The Seeds of Defeat 1:1-2:5

* 737 The vicious Cycle Of Sin 2:11-3:6

* 738 The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly 3:7-31

* 739 An Incredible Woman 4:1-24

* 740 IncredIble Pralse 5:1-31

* 741 Called Out Of Weakness 8:1-24

* 742 Looking for Road SIgns 6:25-40

* 743 Triumphant in Faith 7:1-25

* 744 FallIng at the Finish 8

* 919 Signs Of Trouble 17:1-18:31

* 920 God's Invasion 13:1-24

* 921 lnfatuatlon Blues 14:1-20

* 922 The Power of Flesh and Spirit 15

* 923 Looking for Love 16:1-21

* 924 The Joy of Restoration 16:22-31


* 745 What Child is This?

THAT YOU MAY BELIEVE - JOHN - 20 messages, Gary Vanderet

* 848 That You May Believe 1:1-10

* 849 Prelude to Deity 1:1-18

* 850 A Week Of Witness & Revelation 1:1-25

* 851 Christ: The Wine of Life 2:1-11

* 852 Lion in The Temple 2:12-25

* 853 You Only Live Twice 3:1-21

* 854 A Cure For Competition 3:22-36

* 855 Broken Wells and Thirsty People 4:1-4:42

* 856 Believing is Seeing 4:43-54

* 857 Do You Want to Get Well? 5:1-18

* 858 Who Does He Think He is? 5:19-30

* 859 Religious Yet Lost 5:31-47

* 880 A Mid-Term ln Faith 6:1-21

* 861 Secret of Satisfaction & Security 6:21-40

* 862 The Only Way To Live 6:40-71

* 863 Is Christianity Credible? 7:1-24

* 864 If Anyone is Thirsty... 7:25-52

* 865 Released From Shame 7:53-8:11

* 866 Fear Of The Light 8:12-30

*867 The Way of Freedom 8:31-59

HOW TO RESTORE A CHURCH - 1 TIMOTHY - 13 messages Brian Morgan

*861 The Restoration of Love 1:1-7

* 862 The Way of Restoration 1:8-17

* 863 True Contentment for Men 1:18-2:8

* 864 True Contentment for Women 2:9-15

* 865 How to Choose Leaders 3:1-7

* 866 Choosing Leaders Who Serve 3:8-13

* 887 The Mystery of Godliness 3:14-4:5

*888 Lost Secret to Spiritual vitality 4:6-16

* 889 Strengthening Family Ties 5:1,2; 6:1,2

* 890 Who Cares for Widows? 5:3-16

*891 Keeping Leaders In Their Place 5:17-25

* 892 Stilling the Storms of Discontent6: 3-16

* 893 Rescuing the Rich 6:17-19


EPHESIANS - 14 messages Brian Morgan

*894 TheBlessing 1:1-3

* 895 The Choice 1 :4-6

* 896 The Payment 1:7,8

* 897 The Teachers 1:8-12

*898 TheSeal 1:13,14

* 899 ln the Shadow of His WIngs 1:15-23

* 900 Highway To Heaven 2:1-10

*901 One New Man 2:11-22

* 902 The Mystery Revealed: No Outsiders! 3:1-13

* 903 Depths of Love 3:14-21

904 Creating Community 4:1-10

*905 Growing Up! 4:11-16

* 906 His Majesty's New Clothes 4:17-24

* 907 New Clothes of integrity 4:2-5:2

PSALM 22 - 2 messages. Brian Morgan

* 917 The Falth of Christ 22:1-21

* 918 For the Joy Set Before Him 22:22-31

Main Catalog of Messages by Book of the Bible

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September 5, 1996.