PBC Financial Policy

New Testament principles of giving form the guide for our financial policy. Those who know and love the Lord Jesus Christ are asked to prayerfully consider the needs of the church and give as the Lord Himself directs. Stewardship of money is considered equally important along with all other areas of ministry and service, including the proclaiming of God's Word. Love for the Lord and for His work constitutes the proper motive for giving or preaching. We believe the Lord has called this church into existence, and therefore we look to Him to supply our needs. All believers in Christ have the privilege and responsibility of giving as God has prospered them, and as He directs them. Each of us is thereby investing material gifts to produce spiritual, eternal dividends.

PBC does not keep a record of its contributors or the amounts they give other than that required by IRS regulations governing the reporting of charitable donations. The board of elders believe this policy insures impartiality and follows the scriptural guidelines that we are not to "let the right hand know what the left hand is doing" in matters of giving, which is to say, neither the elders nor staff know who gives what amounts. For tax receipt purposes, PBC provides quarterly receipts for each individual gift of $250 or more. For individual gifts of less than $250, a person's canceled check will suffice. In the case of special offerings for Christian organizations, missionaries or specific ministries, a donor may choose to give through PBC and remain anonymous or give directly to the organization, missionary or ministry and be recognized. The elders encourage the latter course of action.

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