Eric Setala Visits The Pad at Fishpond

by Eric M. Setala <>

Hey everyone,

Texas...ROCKS. At least the Pad at Fishpond and other spiritual reservoirs do. I was so, so encouraged by spending time with Mark Goeller and the other brothers and sisters in Christ there, including Grant and Jonikka, Jonikka's sister (Rachel) and parents. There are some awesome highlights I want to share learned with you all. Most of you have probably read Lambert's report on what it was like down there. Consider this the follow up report; take all you can use and be encouraged in our Lord Jesus Christ.

A theme that kept coming up again and again was the need to make Jesus Christ the center of everything we do in our lives. Even good things like quiet times, reading the bible, going to church, attending fellowship groups like cross-training and Navigators mean very little if they do not bring Jesus into the very center of the picture. I can understand why the end of last quarter started being kind of dry for me; I lost some of my focus of having Jesus in the center of things! The same Jesus who has total control over all evil spirits and sin; the same Jesus who radically overcame the world and invites us to join him in his work of bringing people to God; the same Jesus who gives us all power with the Holy Spirit; the same Jesus who calls us to give everything up for him daily; the same Jesus who promises us peace and joy and unimagineable blessings beyond comprehension when we turn to him whole heartedly. My heart rejoices at the thought of our Lord, much the same way as the disciples did when Jesus appeared to them and taught, led and encouraged them. He is in our lives the same way!

Check out Mat. 21:22 and John 15:16. Both passages indicate that EVERYTHING we ask for in prayer in Christ will be done for us. It is like Jesus is waiting for us to take him up on this promise. One of the things brought to my attention was that James and John actually take Jesus up on this in Mark 10:35. They challenge Jesus, "Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask." They go on to request that they sit on either side of Christ in his glory. I can picture Jesus shaking his head, laughing and saying to them "you knuckleheads! do you know what you are asking for? can you take my place and do what I will do (living a sinless life, doing everything God wants of him, dying on the cross before being raised by God)" The reason Jesus has to laugh is that they say "Yes we can." But I bet Jesus was pleased that they took him up on his words. Jesus is all powerful guys! There is no reason we should have to compromise the blessings God has for us in our lives. Sin has no power in our lives except what footholds we choose to give it. But if Christ is our focus, sin has no foothold. This is why Paul says we are more than conquerers in Christ. WE ALREADY HAVE THE POWER AVAILABLE TO US. The amazing fellowship and awesome things going on down there can take place here at Seattle University if we make every effort to make Jesus the center of things. I know beyond a shadown of a doubt that God will do awesome things this quarter if we come with the faith of the centurion soldier. HOOAH!

Another thing that really impacted me was in regard to prayer. I have a tendency to pray for things many times a day, but without consistency (as in over a long period of time.) Any prayer is great; WE NEED MORE OF IT and should continue to pray unceasingly in all circumstances. But I was challenged with the idea of praying for key things just once a day, but over a long period of time, and then leaving them up for God, trusting that God will take care of the situation. The same consistency carries over to quiet times. It was encouraging to hear that I don't always have to get profound insights from reading the bible.

Consistent daily prayer, bible reading, and scripture seeking the face of Christ are what God can use. Another realization that I came to was that we have such a small view of our lives. God doesn't necessarily judge us day to day. If we have a dry period, be it days or weeks, God doesn't necessariy judge us there and then. Instead, the dry time might indicate that God is continuing to mold and shape us, and that he is placing a deep hunger for more of the fulfillment of Christ in our lives. Look at Moses; God waited 40 years until he was ready to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. But realize that God is getting us ready for mighty and awesome things. Just like the man who tastes the wine that Jesus makes from water says, "You have saved the best until last." If we consistently seek Christ, this will be true for us as well.

Toward the end of last quarter I felt a hunger some might call an emptiness, and felt powerless to do anything about it. But going down to Texas, and getting centered on Christ, changed all this. Bottom line: put Christ in the center and seek him in all things. Jesus won't turn away from us, only we can turn away from him. "Remain in me and I will remain in you." and "Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given unto you.." Two more promises to hang onto.

What I was challenged with was to look for people who are hungry for God, in whose hearts God was already at work, to encourage and spur on. Sometimes in trying to obey Jesus' command to spread the good news we can get discouraged and shy away from this. Instead of feeling weak, just love people,and season the conversation with Christ just throwing the name of Jesus out there much in the same way that the sower spreads the seed out in Mark 4. Let God do the rest; God is going to meet us more than half way and have confidence that the Spirit will take care of the everyone's heart.

A few final thoughts on prayer. Pray for God to put people hungry for Christ in your life. I was reminded of the WSL theme to ask God for just one other person to share your life with completely barrierless and with love in Christ. Also ask that God would just do something unexpected and radical in your lives.

I was also reminded of the high price of following Jesus as he calls us to. We have to be willing to sacrifice things we want to do and our time to love those God intentionally places in our lives. Many are called, but few are chosen for this. Look at what obedience cost Jesus: his life.

REJOICE! I SAY IT AGAIN: REJOICE! Christ has grabbed a hold of us and won't let us go. God has some great things in store for us at SU and for everyone who places Jesus first.

The peace and grace of our Lord Jesus be with all of you,

Eric Setala
March 30, 1998

PS Mark [Goeller] was serious about anyone wanting to go down to visit the Pad. For those of you who know Grant and Jonikka, you are also more than welcome to stay there. See what God lays on your heart, and get in touch with me if I can be of any service.

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