"We   wrestle   not   with   flesh   and blood,    but    with    principalities   and powers,  against rulers of darkness,  against spiritual   wickedness    in    high  places. Therefore  put  on  the   whole   armour   of God,    that  you   may withstand in the evil day" (Ephesians 6:12-13). What is the armour? 


  1. Truth -  there  is  only one truth, Jesus   (John   14:6),  who  is  revealed  to us  through the word  (John 1:1).  We need to know  Jesus in  order to live as  a disciple. The way we come to know Jesus  is through the Bible. "All scripture is inspired by God".  We need to read the Bible as it is written and accept the truth in it.
  2. Righteousness - is the transforming   power  of  the  Truth  in  our lives.  As  we believe the truth of the Bible, confess   our  sin  and  allow Jesus   to cleans  us  (1  John  1:9) He makes us righteous. 
  3. Preparation  of  the gospel   -  is meditation   upon   the  Truth.  We  must be able to give an account of  our  hope  in  Jesus  (1 Peter 3:15). 
  4. Faith   -   is   Truth  in  action. Faith   is   the  "evidence"  of our relationship with Jesus (Hebrews  1:1;   James  2:18). 
  5. Salvation  -  is knowing the Truth. Jesus said that the Truth would  set us free. In our fight with the devil we must "know" that we have victory over him because of Jesus. With this knowledge Satan can not trick us into giving into him.
  6. The  word  - is the "living" Truth. We  know  that  by the word,  God created the world and everything  in  it  (Genesis  Chapter 1). We know that God sustains  us by his  word (Matthew 4:4).  By applying the Word to our lives we become free from the traps of the devil.
  7. Prayer -  is the  "chain  mail" that holds the armour in place.  It is  the key to release the power  of God into our  lives and the lives of others.  Jesus said "Ask and you shall receive" (Luke 11:9-13). 
If we are to stand up to the devil, and overcome him, we need to be well protected. The "truth" is our armour in the battle against evil. 

Created: 23 - Jan - 1997.
Last modified: 18 - Sept - 1998.
Copyright © 1998, Graham Brodie.

Maintainer: Graham Brodie, Email