Newsletter #95


Notes on Repentance


New Format:  I have all sorts of topics I want to write about, but from now on I'll post most of them on my web site instead of mailing half a dozen pages to everyone on this mailing list. (Feel free to print and distribute anything on my web site). Managing a mailing list can be a real hassle. A large fraction of my newsletters bounces every time--as spam. Some copies are garbled en route. If I had an office manager these glitches could be remedied by newer technology for bulk mailings. Meantime, send me an email if you have problems receiving newsletters. Better still, check the list of past newsletters at



Notes on Repentance


Repentance is not optional for all of us who are followers of Jesus Christ.  But the subject is not taught much, or discussed, anymore. For my notes on this topic, please go to my web site:




Finances: Most people are feeling the effects of the current disastrous national and international economic realities. The forecast is for more to come. My own retirement check has been reduced by over a third – well below current monthly expenses. Through it all, your faithful gifts have been sent of the Lord to sustain me, and they are needed now more than ever! "I continue to thank my God for my every remembrance of you all." Your ongoing contributions may be sent to me through PayPal, or for a deductible receipt, mailed to


Ray Stedman Ministries
Att: Lambert Dolphin Ministries
PO Box 37
Windsor, CA  95492


Checks should no longer be sent through Peninsula Bible Church. Be sure and mark your check, "Lambert Dolphin ministries." Thank you again for your friendship and support. Our God is a sustaining God!


Several friends have asked if I am long longer a member of Peninsula Bible Church. Nothing has changed except for this change in my support account. My next teaching series in the Forum at PBC, "Creation, Genesis 1-11," is scheduled to start on January 3, 2010, God willing.


Contact Me: As most of you know, since 1995 I have been working closely with the Ray Stedman web site, I hope you will all become familiar with the rich legacy of sermons and books Ray left us. My own disorganized collection of articles is found on the following: Previous newsletters are here: To ask a question to our email team at the Paraclete Forum, write As much as I'm able I answer all my email,