Sermons by David Roper
Former PBC Pastor and Elder

- A
Man to Match the Mountain: Overcoming the Obstacles of Life (book)
- Old Testament Character Studies,
7 messages, (461-464, 468-470)
- The Making of a Disciple, 3
messages, (177-179)
- Marks of a Maturing Church,
3 messages, (181-183)
- The Word of God in a Godless
World - II Timothy, 4 messages, (357-360)
- A Belief That Behaves, 7 messages,
- Are You Rejoicing?, 8 messages,
- The Kings of Israel and Judah,
16 messages, (3051-3066)
- The First Epistle of Peter: Tried
by Fire, 12 messages, (3241-3252)
- The Second Epistle of Peter,
3 messages, (3255-3257)
- Jacob Have I Loved, 6 messages,
- Elijah, 5 messages, (3371-3375)
- Truth for the Reconstration
(Zechariah and Haggai), 6 messages, (3421-3426)
- What Do These Stones Mean? (Joshua),
4 messages, (3441-3444)
- When Love Grows Old (Malachi),
5 messages, (3445-3449)
- For Such a Time as This, 7
messages, (3463-3469)
- Life Together, 3 messages,
- Single Messages, 18 messages
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